Sunday, 23 January 2011


Motivation is a decision making process what makes an individual want to work, through which the individual chooses the desired outcomes and sets the behaviour appropriate to them. This is because motivation provides an individual the encouragement and drive to accomplish their set tasks. Motivation can have both positive aspects as well as negative aspects, which could mean that an individual is motivated to do a certain task as well as motivated to avoid a task.
There are number of different types of plan to motivate an individual or a team to achieve their certain goal, such as rewards, bonus, pay rise, holiday’s or staff discount.

Abraham Maslow
Alternatively there are many motivational theories, who have established the common needs that everyone has, which businesses and organisations need or can use to improve on their employee performance. The well known motivational theories are Clayton Alderfer, Frederick Herzberg and Abraham Harold Maslow. Personally I believe Abraham Harold Maslow’s theory plays an impact in my life as he defines human’s survival needs. He believed that five main stages on his hierarchy were the main stages that motivated people. The five stages of Maslow’s hierarchy that are needed in order to be motivated are as follows:
§  Physiological needs- This is the basic need in an individual’s working life as without the need of physiological need being there, it would be difficult for a business to motivate their employees to perform well. This stage makes sure that the condition of an individual is fine such as clean air, water, food, shelter, warmth, sex and sleep.
§   Safety needs- The safety needs are important for an individual to survive, but they can’t meet this stage without being fully met by the previous stage. The safety needs includes the need for safety and security, protection, order, law, limits and ability.
§   Social needs- This need should be important within an organisation to build up a good relationship within the staff in the organisation. The business or organisation should organise social activities for the staff for a night out or even a dinner, which gives the staffs a chance to get to know each other, understand and respect each other’s, also a relaxing time for the staff.
§   Esteem needs- Is when the employee or staff is being recognised for the work they do, to encourage the others as well as the person who has achieved their goal. This is how an individual’s talents, ability, and skills will be reviewed
§   Self- Actualizing needs- This is the highest motivation on Maslow’s hierarchy. When someone reaches that level on the hierarchy it means that the individual is self aware and able to work under their own condition without being told by anyone what they need to achieve or complete. (Kendra Cherry, 2005)

Each stages of the hierarchy can only be accomplished once the lower level of need has been met fully.  Therefore it is important that they start from the basic need to be motivated and follow on to the next stages in order to complete their set task successful.

Motivation to start a Degree Course
My motivation to start a degree in Accounting and Finance has many reasons. Since I was in primary school in Germany, I enjoyed Mathematics and my teacher used to encourage me, therefore always wanted to do something within that field. When I moved onto Secondary school, I still enjoyed mathematics and had some sort of ideas about my future and was looking towards engineering. After I have done my GCSE’s and started my A-levels, I chose Business studies, Accounting, ICT, Maths and German. I enjoyed my subject although it was difficult.
I like working with numbers, problem solving and again IT has inspired me in choosing this degree. That’s not about it, because my family and friends play a big role as well. My granddad was an accountant that is what made my decision even stronger and was also encouraged by family members as I have the ambitions which my granddad had. Also my A-level teacher was very supportive with choosing my degree course, which has made me confident in my future plans. My future ambition being a educated, qualified, experienced and an independent accountancy woman has also motivated towards my decision. Being a degree holder and working in a well qualified job is my objective in future, also earning a good amount of money to be happy with family, friend and also enjoy our life.
As you can see Maslow’s hierarchy relates towards my motivation as physiological, safety, and social plays a huge role.

There have been many ups and downs throughout my school and college life, when at some point I get de-motivated and drop my ambition of achieving a goal. This has happened due to how I was treated in school or the grades I achieved for what I was expecting much better.  Whilst I was doing A-level ICT which was coursework based subject, I used to work hard and always made sure I handed in my work on time and also hand it in with full satisfaction, but my teacher never appreciated me for it or encouraged me. He would give the work back marked and wouldn’t find the time for me to explain doubts I had, whereas he stayed behind for those who fall behind and hardly attend the lesson. I was in a class with few other friends I knew from my school in AS class, which was a motivation for us in working as a group and meeting the deadlines. In my A2 ICT class he has moved me into another class, whereas everyone else got to stay together and also in my A2 class we were not allowed to sit next to anyone. The whole year I was isolated which has caused problem as I couldn’t discuss the work with anyone else and he couldn’t find the time to give me feedback. This de-motivated me as I worked harder than anybody else and still didn’t get the help I wanted and wasn’t appreciated for what I done. This then made me fall behind and also didn’t archive the grade I was expecting.
This cause of de-motivation is related to Maslow’s Hierarchy as I was aiming for Social and Esteem needs. I couldn’t reach those levels as from beginning I was treated well and encouraged to do well.

Motivation is very important in our life’s not just in work or school life, this is important in our family life’s too. Without having a goal or ambition we wouldn’t be able to move on to another stage. Everyone has their different ways of being motivated in order to meet their goals.  From what I have learned and researched I believe that Maslow’s theory and hierarchy applies in my life, as I believe that I wouldn’t be able to move on to the next stage without being fully satisfied on the first stage of the hierarchy. 


Kendra Cherry. (2010). Hierarchy of Needs. Available: Last accessed 27th Dec 2010.

Tutor2u Website. Motivation Theories [online] Available from: Accessed on 28th December 2010]

ATHERTON J S (2010) Learning and Teaching; Motivation [On-line] UK: Available: Accessed: 28th December 2010

1 comment:

  1. well done for posting your first blog. You have included all the relevant information and reflected well on your own examples.
