Monday, 24 January 2011


Conflicts means when an issue arises within two members or more within an organisation or anywhere else, whereas the two different members have different point of views of the matter and this could cause a disagreement or an argument. Conflicts are important within an organisation, as it should be controlled of not happening as it could affect the workforce productivity.

Conflict within a Group
We had Group assignment of four people, which we had to hand in and it was marked as a whole assignment and not individual part. Therefore we all tried to do our best, whereas one of the girl in our group didn’t bother at all. We had few meeting to talk about it, then also sat down together in the library and tried to our work helping each other. We kept calling here, texting her even sending her messages on facebook and email. All we knew was that she was ignoring us and the work. It wasn’t fair on us, because we put our head down and did work. Just like everyone else would, we wouldn’t want to lose marks on it because her part was missing. She didn’t turn up to classes either, but the day before we had to hand in the work she tried contacting us. We were all annoyed and wanted to talk to her about it. The next day she turned up with half of the work done and as we worked hard to get a good grade we were obviously angry. This caused a conflict at that point, whereas she tried to give us excuses. After a while we realised that we are just loosing time on it, therefore helped her out to add some more information on it and handed in the work. We didn’t get the expected result and since then we haven’t done any groups work with her again.

French and Raven’s Five forms of Power
The most well know power was performed by social psychologist John French and Bertram Raven in 1959. The powers they have identified are as follows:

§   Coercive Power- this is factor where the manager or leader has the ability to punish another for non compliance. This power is authorised to those who are fully responsible or is the manager or leader. This sort of power is important for the de-motivated staff, as they would work rather than being punished.
§   Reward Power- Here how holds this power can control the provision of reward and benefits, which means that a person is able to compensate another for compliance. This sort of Power has the manager, as he can promote an employee or appraise them for a good job they have done. This will motivate the employees to achieve more set goals in order to be rewarded. 
§   Expert Power- This power is based upon the employees experience, skills and knowledge. It is very useful within an organisation, as they would be able to guide them. Example in a construction firm, the builders wouldn't be able to build anything without the engineer being there or telling them what to build.
§   Legitimate Power- This is the highest power on the hierarchy, which means that they have the right or lawful power for everything within the Organisation. The people who are on those positions are mostly the Manager. Even bigger people than them would be the queen or the president, as they have the whole country under their power.
§   Referent Power- This power is the respect they have for a well off person such as the manager or leader, but the better their image is the more power they will have. Some also have a respect due to esteem, personal character and reputation.
( Last accessed 22nd Jan 2011)

Strategies to Overcome Conflict at work
However there are many strategies that organisations can use to overcome conflicts at work, such equal payment. Employee within the same area of same job role should all be paid equally, which reduces the chances of having conflicts at work. Disciplinary policy can be a very useful policy within organisations or business, as that makes sure the employee’s are all aware of the policy and not misuse the policy. Communication within the organisations are very important, as without communications they wouldn’t be able to express themselves and wouldn’t be able socialise and get to know other colleague. Therefore the organisations and other business should make sure they have the communications, consultant and involvement in decision making is important. Making sure the workers know about the goal and objective is also important, because every individual of them should know what they working towards and have a clear knowledge about it.
The Final strategy to overcome conflict at work is by ensuring that employees have the chance to air complaints and have complaint policy and procedures, so it then can be deal with a manner.

Conflict within organisation can cause a negative effect on the overall performance. This can demonstrate a negative effect on the productivity in workforce, which than effects the sales and profit. Therefore being aware of all of possible conflict that can cause problem and have a solution for it makes the business success.


Anon. (No Date). French and Raven's Five Forms of Power. Available: Last accessed 22nd Jan 2011.

1 comment:

  1. Check referencing for this blog. You need to reference the French and Raven within the blog using a different format to the full reference you include at the end
